Scottish Potter Association: A Little Potty About Our Pottery
Welcome to the world of Scottish Pottery. We, the Scottish Potter Association are pleased you could join us in the interests of pottery and all that is associated with the craft. We are a charitable organisation that was formed, by chance, to raise the profile of the pottery being made here in Scotland and to bring together a community of passionate art lovers that find delight in this productive art form.
The Begins of the Scottish Potter Association

What started out as just a group of friends with the same passion for pottery, then quickly turned into a group of friends starting trade shows to exhibit work. This then captured public interest and once the spread of information was out there, our band of potheads soon created what is now the Scottish Potter Association.
The recipe for this was nothing more than enthusiasm and an excuse to get out of the house. This has been key since we first came together back in the 70s. We built kilns, did teaching in schools and performed at residential events. How we are retired and are able to spread the word more widely now we have given into the modern ways of technology and share it all online with you and the rest of the world.
Keeping the Wheel Turning
In the 40-year of our collective experience a lot has been witnessed within the world of pottery, new styles and techniques, tools and materials have bled into the art form and it has all added to the wonderful craft in representational form and through sales of the work for everyday use.
The main successful drive behind the Scottish Potter Association is not just in the new developments in the craft but the membership of the association itself. With so many members spread across Scotland, regular committee meetings are held and people attend and it is this alone that we use as an example of why we still keep the Scottish Potter Association going. Furthermore to this, is the teaching element, with schools, colleges and evening courses showing an interest in the art and helping to expand the interest in our efforts to better the work we all do in pottery, because if we’ve learnt one thing in our 40 years’ is that nothing ever stays still and when an art form does, it no longer becomes relevant.
Our Members
We are now 300 members strong and this makes an incredible statement here in Scotland. There is satisfaction in the process of making pottery alone, but to have this much interest is beyond what any of us thought would be possible, seeing as we all first thought we were the only ones doing this in our sheds with our homemade kilns. Now, with this access to the worldwide web, we hope many more of you are able to join us and share the joys of pottery making.
Please enjoy the site, where we have many more articles on technics, events, artists, classes and our membership noticeboard.